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Enquire about: Test User Ability + Personality (Level A/B Combined)

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Course: Test User Ability + Personality (Level A/B Combined)


40 hours plus up to eight 90-minute Virtual Meetings


Online Structured Learning Modules; Online Course Assessment; Virtual Tutorials and discussions; Access to online tests and questionnaires;

£1,850 + VAT

Course notes, Technical Manual/User Guide, Support materials.

What is involved?

Both the Test User Ability (Level A) + Test User Personality (Level B) combined.

Who will be your tutors on the course?

This course will be led by a Chartered Occupational Psychologist.  The course is supervised by Dr. Roy Childs , Consultant Editor for the BPS Test Review process and a BPS Verifier for this level of course.

Your qualification

On successful completion you will have access to all the PfS ability tests (Verbal, Numerical, Abstract, Memory and Attention, Decision Analysis) which cover a broader range of cognitive capabilities than you will find with other publishers.  You will also achieve the following internationally recognised qualification which allows you to purchase and use tests from most reputable test publishers:

BPS and EFPA Certificates: the course is verified to enable course delegates to receive the internationally recognised certificates of competence known as Test User Personality (formerly Level B) if certain pre-requisites have been met.

You will have access to the questionnaire of your choice and accelerated access to additional tools.

Book your place


40 hours plus up to eight 90-minute Virtual Meetings


Online Structured Learning Modules; Online Course Assessment; Virtual Tutorials and discussions; Access to online tests and questionnaires;

£1,850 + VAT

Course notes, Technical Manual/User Guide, Support materials.

Book your place