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Sleep coaching

Changing human behaviour is easier said than done, and so many of us settle for insufficient sleep without realising that there is hope. Individual or group sleep coaching can be used to develop personalised strategies in order to provide meaningful and long-term behavioural change.

Harness your sleep to elite

Changing human behaviour is easier said than done, and so many of us settle for insufficient sleep without realising that there is hope. Individual or group sleep coaching can be used to develop personalised strategies in order to provide meaningful and long-term behavioural change.

Sleep issues and desynchronisation of biological clocks can result from irregular schedules, sleep restriction and circadian rhythm disorders such as jet lag.  All of these can affect your mental and physical abilities so need careful attention when trying to optimize health, well-being, productivity and performance. 

On-going individual or group sleep consultancy sessions in the form of sleep coaching can be arranged to work more closely to manage individual sleep health, schedules, travel, productivity and performance.